Prof. Nnabuk Okon Eddy, FAS

Department of Chemistry,
University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria

Prof. Nnabuk Okon Eddy, a Fellow of the Academy of Science, was born on the 25th of December 1971 to a former Member of the Second Republic National Assembly of Nigeria. He attended the following Schools; Primary Schools Nsebe (FSLC), Lutheran High School, Ikot Obong Edong (JSS), School of Basic Studies Akamkpa (SSS) University of Calabar (B.Sc, Chemistry), University of Port Harcourt (PGD, Chem. Engr.), Michael Okpara University (M.Sc-Environmental Chemistry), University of Uyo (M.Sc), University of Uyo (M.Sc-Analytical Chemistry) and the University of Calabar (Ph.D). He was first appointed a Professor of Physical and Computational Chemistry in 2015. (

He has offered several academic services in some Tertiary institutions including, the University of Port Harcourt, Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Akwa Ibom State University, Michael Okpara University, Umudike, Federal University, Lokoja, Kaduna State University and currently in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.  Prof. Eddy has graduated more than one hundred undergraduate and sixty-six postgraduate students and has led several grant-sponsored research teams at both National and International levels, especially in Computational Chemistry and Materials fabrications, characterization and applications (especially, Fertilizer Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Corrosion Science, Water Purification, and Catalysis). He has published more than two hundred and fifty articles in first-class (Q1) International Journals. He is one of the top 2% of Scientists in the World (based on Sandford University Ranking) with a googleScholar/Web of Science h-index of 53 from 7860 citations. He is the Editor in Chief of three Nigerian University based Journals, three International Journals and a member of the Editorial Board of some International Journals.

Prof. Eddy is the Pioneer Head of Department of Nuclear Science in the University of Nigeria. He also has previous records as Head of Department (Chemistry) Dean (Physical Science), Post Graduate Coordinator, Examination Officer, Chairman of Curriculum Development and as an external examiner to twelve Nigerian universities and four foreign Universities, a visiting scholar to two foreign Universities and a leading external academic staff in the Chemistry Department of the National Open University of Nigeria. He is also the external examiner/Consultant on curriculum development  to the University of Zambia under three years contract term, in addition to four other Universities in South Africa and India

He has also a key player in in National, Regional and International Research and Policy formulations. He was nominated by the Federal Government of Nigeria as a Scholar (Technical Aid Corp) to the University of Rwanda between 2013 to 2014.  From 2015 to Date, he has served as the Chairman of the Federal Government of Nigeria Technical Committee on the Development of Standards for Agrochemicals, which has led to the development of more than forty five Gazetted National standards. He is the Nigerian expert representative to the African Regional Standard Organization (Chemistry and Chemical Technology/Fertilizer sections) in Nairobi (Kenya). He is also the Nigerian expert representative to the International Standard Organization (ISO) in the fertilizer and soil stimulants technical sessions and has contributed to the development of several global standards, in addition. In March 2021, Prof. Eddy was nominated by the office of the National Security Adviser (Presidency) of Nigeria to the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation’s Office of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism (ISN/WMDT and was awarded a fellow after a one-year training.  Prof. Eddy has led several Nigerian Technical delegations to different countries including technical teams to a Fertilizer plant in Morocco, a water treatment plant in Spain, Nigerian delegation to Belgium, Colombia and others. He has also led several National University Commission (NUC) Accreditation teams to different Universities and he is currently the leading curriculum development/review in Nuclear Science for inclusion in the Nigeria University and Polytechnic systems respectively.  

Prof. Nnabuk Eddy has attracted several National and International Research grants and is he currently offering free lecturing services to two Nigerian Universities as part of his community development. He has been a factor in drawing National and International Collaboration  between Nigerian University and Foreign partners. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Science, a member of Royal Chemical Society, Chartered Institute of Artificial Intelligence Practitioner and other professional bodies.

He is married to Edikan, a staff of the National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion, and their marriage is blessed with four children. Professor Nnabuk Okon Eddy has presented forty-five Public/Invited Lectures as a Key speaker within and outside Nigeria. The Professor has received more than twenty professional, National and International awards but he is most grateful to be a Guest speaker in this conference that boarders in his profession.